- Accounting and Bookkeeping -Production of basic monthly financial statements and annual financial statements.
- Minutes - Preparation of non-verbatim trustee minutes
- File Management - Development and maintenance of member and retiree files (physical and digital files)
- Meetings - Preparation of meeting agendas, and legal notices to necessary parties; recording proceedings, and development of board member packets
- Tax Reporting - Preparation of IRS form 1099R information for plan accountants
- Manage Expenditures - Design and implementation of process for managing board authorized expenditures and member/retiree benefits.
- Form Management - Preparation of forms for enrollment of new members, termination and refund of existing members, member retirement, and disability
- Income Tax Withholding - Transmittal of withholding taxes to the IRS
- Benefit Statements - Design and production of member benefit statements